1. A really nice selection of footage but unfortunately the “beat” bears little relation to the music. I had to stop watching as it was just too distracting.

  2. The videos were ok but as WidgetD said, the ‘beat’ track was totally out of time with the music and it was very distracting. I barely even managed to stay hard because of it so I got bored and stopped at half time.

  3. Same for me: just re-release it without that distracting bassdrum of yours. Even the music is a great selection, so either add a stroke-meter synced to the music (at least a little), or give better instructions like “stroke to the bassdrum”. Stroke-meter would be preferred, though. As your scene selection as well as the music selection is good (at least at the beginning, until I had to turn it off), this would give you a lot better votes.